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A Closer Look at How We Realign Broken Bones

Jan 19, 2024
A Closer Look at How We Realign Broken Bones
After breaking a bone, you want to heal as quickly as possible. But in some cases, getting on the path to a full recovery requires a slight detour: realignment. Here’s a look at when you might need to reset a broken bone, and what happens during that proce

After you break a bone, your body goes to work. Its ability to heal itself means that with time, your fracture should fully heal. 

That said, a little medical intervention might be needed to align the bone so it can heal properly. Resetting the bone before it starts knitting together helps you avoid long-term issues from the injury.  

We can help you find out if your fracture needs realignment. Because we specialize in orthopaedic trauma like broken bones, Karl Siebuhr, MD, and our team are here to help you heal as quickly and comfortably as possible. We offer everything you need right here at Reconstructive Orthopaedics of Central Florida in Ocala, Florida, from diagnostic imaging to see what’s going on with the break to care throughout your healing journey. 

In some cases, we only need to support the broken bone to prevent further trauma. But some breaks need realignment.

When a broken bone needs to be realigned 

Your bones will grow back together given ample time. But if the ends on either side of your break aren’t lined up, you could end up with a new problem as the break heals. 

Doctors call this a malunion, and it can cause you problems down the road. The malunion could prevent that part of your body from working the way it should. You might experience stiffness or limited mobility in the affected body part. 

Ultimately, you want to avoid a malunion so that your broken bone doesn’t cause you long-term issues. With an X-ray, Dr. Siebuhr can see if your bone will heal properly if you leave it as-is, or if it needs intervention to heal properly. 

If your bone does need realignment, he can perform the required fracture reduction treatment. 

The two types of broken bone resetting

In some cases, Dr. Siebuhr can reset the bone by manipulating it under your skin. This is called a closed fracture reduction. 

In other instances, he needs to create an incision to properly access and reposition the bone. An open fracture reduction means surgery, but it gives your body what it needs to heal the fracture in alignment. Dr. Siebuhr may use tools like screws, pins, or plates to realign the bone, ensuring that it heals the way you want it to. 

During your open fracture reduction surgery, Dr. Siebuhr can also repair soft tissue around the break. This further supports your recovery. 

Learning that you need to get your break realigned might feel like a setback, but this is a critical part of a full recovery. To learn if you need to have your bone reset so that it can heal properly, visit us anytime you experience a fracture. You can call our office or request your appointment online today.